- 04/23/15 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 10 files
- Grades K-High School
- 04/23/15 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 10 files
Introduction to the ELA / Literacy Instructional Practice Guide
- Description
- Files
Overview: The Introduction to the ELA/Literacy Instructional Practice Guide module focuses on the Instructional Practice Guide as a tool for observation and reflection. The Instructional Practice Guide is for teachers, and those who support teachers, to build understanding and experience with instruction aligned to college- and career-ready (CCR) standards, including the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The module also includes a review of the three instructional Shifts in ELA/literacy. Within the module, there are activities and discussions based on the Core Actions that will prepare participants to use the Instructional Practice Guide.
Objectives of this Module
- Understand the relationship between the instructional Shifts and the ELA/Literacy Instructional Practice Guide.
- Identify teacher and student actions that may be present in CCR-aligned lessons according to the Instructional Practice Guide.
- Observe and reflect on the alignment of a lesson using the Instructional Practice Guide.
How to Get Started: Be sure to read the User's Guide document in its entirety first. You are encouraged to customize any or all portions of this module to meet your needs.
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