- 07/06/15 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 6 files
- Grades K-High School
- 07/06/15 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 6 files
Text Set Project: Building Knowledge and Vocabulary
- Description
- Files
Overview: This professional development module focuses on the Text Set Project: Designing and Integrating Expert Packs. Text sets support all learners, especially those with background knowledge or vocabulary deficits, by building up these domains through a volume of reading. The training is for teachers, those who support teachers, librarians, and media specialists to build understanding and experience with Common Core State Standards (CCSS)-aligned instruction and materials. Within the module, there are materials, activities and discussions to enable participants to begin creating and using Expert Packs to support students in building knowledge, vocabulary and the capacity to read independently.
How to Get Started: Be sure to read the User's Guide first! The User's Guide is a detailed guide for you, the facilitator. The guide includes the facilitator's guide which lists the recommended order of the presentation.
All times are suggested and can be expanded to incorporate more discussion as needed. Any portions of this module may be modified, reproduced, and disseminated without prior permission.
The materials on this page are currently being revised to align with the Professional Learning Principles. For updates on these resources and other Achieve the Core resources, click here to subscribe.