College- and Career-Ready Math Shifts at a Glance
A document explaining the biggest changes in mathematics for the CCSS and other college- and career-ready standards.
All of the tasks presented are designed to highlight the math Shifts required by college- and career-ready standards, including the Common Core. These tasks focus on bringing the Shifts into everyday instruction. The resources below explain how to identify and create tasks aligned to the Shifts. Learn more about the math Shifts.
These tasks illustrate the Shifts and can be used immediately in the classroom. They can also be used in PLCs as part of a lesson study or shared observations.
Focus: All of these tasks align to the major work of the grade.
Coherence: These tasks demonstrate how to build student understanding from previous learning and prepare students for future learning.
Rigor: These tasks were selected to represent a balance of the aspects of Rigor required by the standards.
After reviewing a task, use the Coherence Map to find related standards and additional tasks.
Many of the tasks reference a specific progression document, narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. The progressions can explain why standards are sequenced the way they are, point out cognitive difficulties and pedagogical solutions, and give more detail on particularly knotty areas of the mathematics.
Hundreds of sample tasks organized by grade, standard and domain are available from Illustrative Mathematics, an organization led by William McCallum , a lead writer of the CCSS. Their website also includes, videos, commentary on the Standards for Mathematical Practices, professional development resources, and course blueprints.