- 03/05/18 | Adjusted: 01/05/21 | 4 files
- Grades K-5
- 03/05/18 | Adjusted: 01/05/21 | 4 files
Making Materials Better: enVisionmath 2.0 (2018 March Webinar)
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- Files
Join us for an exclusive sneak peek of the yet-to-be-released adaptation guidance documents on the mathematics program enVisionmath 2.0. Throughout 2017, SAP partnered with districts using enVisionmath 2.0 to develop guidance documents to better align the program to the math Shifts and standards. The guidance documents were piloted in classrooms over the fall and winter and will be published on achievethecore.org in May 2018. Join this webinar to hear from pilot users, learn more about the adaptations made to the program, and receive early access to the guidance documents. Learn more about the enVisionmath 2.0 Materials Alignment Project here.
This learning experience will be most powerful if used as part of a comprehensive, ongoing program of content-specific professional learning. To learn more, see the Professional Learning Principles.