- 08/12/20 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
- Grades K-High School
- 08/12/20 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
Priority Instructional Content: Leveraging the Structure of College- and Career-Ready Math and ELA/Literacy Standards (August 2020 Webinar)
- Description
- Files
School closures as a result of the pandemic have had a major impact on education. Schools face unique challenges that require focus on equitable instruction and anticipation of disruptions in education in the upcoming school year. The Priority Instructional Content is intended to provide guidance to curriculum designers, coaches, and publishers as a means to meet the needs of schools and districts, as they implement new methods for teaching.
This webinar offers a certificate verifying professional learning time on the topic. To receive this certificate, select the “Access On-Demand” option and complete the webinar as a registered participant. If you’re accessing this page on a mobile device, the recording and resources from the webinar are available under “files.”
This learning experience will be most powerful if used as part of a comprehensive, ongoing program of content-specific professional learning. To learn more, see the Professional Learning Principles.