- 07/21/16
Decompose Numbers Less Than 10 (Torney)
This lesson focuses on K.OA.A.3: Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way (e.g., by using objec…
These resources were created for and previously found on Teaching the Core, a website funded by The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. This collection of classroom videos and associated lesson materials was developed in 2013 to support K-12 educators implementing the Common Core State Standards. As all of the participants were at that time early in their own work with those standards, these videos were not intended to be exemplars. Rather, they showed real-life classrooms, with all the real-life challenges and successes found therein. Learn more about Teaching the Core.
Student Achievement Partners has curated and featured a subset of the original collection for use with the Instructional Practice Toolkit, a professional learning module designed to support understanding of planning and instruction aligned to college- and career-ready standards. We recommend visiting the Supplemental Lesson Videos collection before exploring what is here.
This lesson focuses on K.OA.A.3: Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way (e.g., by using objec…
This lesson integrates multiple standards to facilitate students' understanding of multiple meaning words. The lesson is care…
In this lesson, the teacher conducts a close reading of the text, with a focus on vocabulary and author's craft. Through a well-planned…
In this lesson, students use a richly-illustrated text to identify the similarities and differences between characters. The activi…
This lesson focuses on K.OA.A.2, solving addition word problems, and K.OA.A.1 & K.CC.B.4, representing addition with objects, drawi…
This engaging kindergarten math lesson focuses on all three aspects of rigor: students practice fluency while representing numbers; the…
This Kindergarten lesson focuses primarily on K.OA.A.1 and K.OA.A.2. Students are solving addition and subtraction word problems using …