- 03/10/22 | Adjusted: 03/17/22 | 4 files
- Grades 2
- 03/10/22 | Adjusted: 03/17/22 | 4 files
2.NBT.B.7 & 2.NBT.B.9 Lesson with Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) Theme
- Description
- Files
This grade 2 lesson brings Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) themes into the classroom through practice with place value strategies (using a visual representation to make sense of adding tens with tens, and ones with ones) for adding numbers (2.NBT.B.9 and 2.NBT.B.7). This task utilizes the lesson planning template from Stride 3: A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction: Creating Conditions to Thrive.
Additional Features
- Strategies for multilingual learners (i.e., mixed ability grouping, role-playing with Team Talk prompts, and discussion protocols)
- Facilitates power sharing within the classroom
- Provides multiple opportunities to support students to build confidence and clarity
- Integrated connections between SEAD themes and the mathematics of the lesson