- 08/23/16 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 16 files
- Grades 3-High School
- 08/23/16 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 16 files
Mathematics Assessment Item Alignment Modules ©
- Description
- Files
Overview: The Item Alignment Modules are a set of professional development modules that provide users with a resource for communicating a deep understanding of the Common Core State Standards for mathematics standards, through the lens of alignment principles and summative assessment items. They provide a deep dive into CCSS-aligned summative assessment, and are a follow up to the overview training “Shifts in CCSS-Aligned Mathematics Assessment.”
These modules are primarily a resource for training efforts to guide the development of assessments aligned to the shifts required by college-and-career ready standards, but can serve a variety of audiences interested in learning more about the expectations set by college- and career- ready standards and assessment.
How to Get Started: First, review the user guide, which gives a detailed overview of the modules and provides specific examples of modifications that can be made to suit the needs of different users. Review the modules and determine which aspects of the materials support your unique context. These materials are intended to be adapted as needed to meet the unique needs of the identified users, including incorporated into existing item author and reviewer training resources.
Timing: Each grade-level session requires approximately 90 minutes. All times are suggested and can be expanded to incorporate more discussion as needed.
Access aligned mini-assessments for more examples of test questions.
The materials on this page are currently being revised to align with the Professional Learning Principles. For updates on these resources and other Achieve the Core resources, click here to subscribe.