- 08/30/13 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 79 files
- Grades K-High School
- 08/30/13 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 79 files
Deep Dive into the Math Shifts
- Description
- Files
Overview: The Deep Dive into the Math Shifts Module is a 1–3 hour module for those who are already familiar with the shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). Using this module, you will take a deep dive into:
- the major work of grades K–8
- the coherence of the Standards
- sample problems that reflect the rigor that is expected by the Standards.
How to Get Started: You are encouraged to customize any or all portions of this module to meet your needs, or the needs of your audience if you are facilitating this module for professional development. After completing this module, you are encouraged to engage with the key shifts required by the CCSSM through the iTunes U Courses, created by teachers for teachers. If you are looking for an introduction to the shifts, please click here.
All times are suggested and can be expanded to incorporate more discussion as needed. Any portions of this module may be modified, reproduced, and disseminated without prior permission.
The materials on this page are currently being revised to align with the Professional Learning Principles. For updates on these resources and other Achieve the Core resources, click here to subscribe.