- 03/02/18 | Adjusted: 10/22/21 | 21 files
- Grades K-5
- 03/02/18 | Adjusted: 10/22/21 | 21 files
enVisionmath 2.0: Materials Adaptation Project
- Description
- Files
These documents provide guidance for planning and implementing enVisionmath 2.0 (K-5) in ways that best align to college- and career-ready standards. Each document includes general guidance for teachers to support implementation of the program across all grades along with grade-level-specific guidance for each topic. When supplementary resources are suggested, links are provided to free lessons or materials. Rationale for all of the suggestions is grounded in the specific content progression of the standards, as well as in the instructional shifts required to help students learn mathematics for college and career readiness. Fluency guides are provided for each grade level to support students’ mastery of the required fluency standards in K-5.